Sunday, October 14, 2007
Postcards from Mum
I have the best Mum in the world! Look how many postcards she has sent me! The latest one was from some place called Bath. I don't really like baths, so I'm not sure why she picked this one, but this is one place I'm glad I didn't visit with them. I like to keep my postcards near me so they remind me that it's only a few more weeks until my oldies are back. I'm having a lot of fun with my uncles, but it will be nice to see Mum and Dad!
Labels: family
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Missing My Parents

Labels: family
Staying with the Uncles

While my oldies are away on their holiday, I've been having a great time staying with my Uncles Patrick and Grant. We have been doing all sorts of fun things! It's never dull at their house. We have chickens to feed and a caravan that they are renovating, plus the food is fantastic! The other day Uncle Patrick sat me down and told me it was time for my "fitting", whatever that is. I'm not sure what he was up to, but it involved lots of pins and pieces of fabric. I've been told it will be wonderful when it's done, so I'm anxiously awaiting the finished product. I'll keep you informed and updated!
Labels: family