Friday, May 28, 2021


Building and Birds


Yesterday we went for a drive, just to get out in the fresh air for a while and give the car a run.The Oldies decided to go to Goulburn for lunch, they do that sort of thing occasionally. You can see photos of our previous trips to Goulburn in older posts. One historic building that we didn't have photos of is the Court House. This is a great example of Victorian (the Queen, not the state) colonial architecture. It even has a crown on the top of the dome. I just had to have my photo taken on the gates; it matches the one of me on the gates of Iolani Palace in Honolulu (also in previous posts). Court was in session and I saw a big police truck bringing prisoners in for their sessions. When we got home there was a really great surprise. The swans that breed on one of the ponds near us have a new batch of cygnets and they had them grazing just across the road. This is the third year we have seen these adult swans and their hatchlings.  People come from all around the suburb to see them, and people driving past stop to take photos of them. Most of the cygnets survive, cats and dogs are mostly well controlled here, but sometimes foxes come right into the city. I hope these little guys survive, the parents are fierce guardians even if they trust people who don't get too close. After the cygnets grow up the parents drive them away to find their own pond to live in.

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