Monday, January 01, 2007


Who's for Egypt?

After our picnic we went to see the Egyptian Antiquities exhibition at the National Gallery. Mum and I are studying heiroglyphs, so we have been to this exhibition a lot. It's funny how Dad always manages to lose his Visa card just before we get to the shop. One thing is for sure. Those old Egyptians really made sure that the ones they buried were going to stay there. I mean, how many coffins does one guy need. Mum says that they were just making sure that they were fully preserved and supplied for the afterlife, but I think that they would never have managed to get their sarcophagus open. (I had to get help to spell "sarkoffygus").
We are planning a trip to Egypt this year to see things first-hand. I am getting excited, Mum is getting hyper and Dad is counting shekels and looking glum.
A Happy, Healthy and Prosperous New Year to you all.

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