Tuesday, January 23, 2007


Guess What This Is

I admit it. Dad and Mum have thoroughly infected me with their enthusiasm for aeroplanes. I love to go to airshows, particularly as the pilots and groundcrew let me go places where they won't even let the Oldies go. The aeroplane in this picture is quite rare now, even though they were used all over the world back in WWII. I know what it is and where it is but this time I am going to do something that Unka John suggested. I will be a bit mean and let you guess. If you want to, you could email me the answer (check my profile for the address) and I will then know that you read my blog. Isn't that a sneaky way of seeing if anybody reads this?

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Lulu says I have no frigging idea. Maaaaaa.

I apologise for her bad language. We read your Blog, but we don't know what the plane is :)
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