Monday, March 19, 2007
Fan-tastic Fun

No doubt about Unka Mark and Auntie Vicki, they can always dream up fun things to do. We visited them last night to see how Vicki was feeling after her operation. She was fit and full of mischief. Somewhere along the way they realized that a plastic bag and a ceiling fan would make a great merry-go-round for a small bear. You can see the results. The top picture shows me all excited and a bit nervous, not really sure what is about to happen. The bottom picture shows me at half-speed. I think it was great fun. The room fair whizzed around and the wind in my fur felt great. Then Mark turned the fan up to full speed, the bag slipped along the fan blade and bear and bag went off on a tangent at high speed. Just as well I am a trained parachutist. Next time we use tape to hold the bag on.
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