Saturday, March 03, 2007
Krushing Kava

In Fiji they drink a stuff called kava. This is an important part of most ceremonies. It is made by crunching up a dried root of the yaqona plant and soaking the crushed powder in water. Here some of the "Reef Escape" crew are pounding the root in a big iron pot. The kava was being made for one of our visits to a Fijian village. When you visit a village in Fiji the polite thing to do is to give a present of yaqona. They let us watch but Scruffy and I were too small to take a turn at bashing it. The guy in the purple sulu is 'Tiko, the divemaster. He looked after my oldies on both our Fiji trips and showed them the best reefs. He also made sure that Mum could go everywhere despite her bad leg. He is a great guy and I have named my new pufferfish toy after him because he showed the oldies a pufferfish during one of their snorkel trips. Kava has a funny sort of taste, so the oldies tell me. It isn't alchoholic, but it gives you a happy buzz and makes your lips go numb if you drink too much of it. Personally, I wouldn't know because (you guessed it) those mean oldies of mine wouldn't let me try any.
Labels: Captain Cook, cruising, Fiji