Saturday, March 03, 2007
The Plane Train at Avalon
Great excitement! Dad has got our tickets for the Avalon airshow at the end of the month. This is the biggest airshow in Australia and happens every two years. I have been to the last two. The ground displays cover a huge area, far too far for a small bear to walk, so I usually ride in Dad's backpack but occasionally we manage to catch the train that takes you around the site. When this photo was taken we were on our way from the fast jet area to the transports. The aeroplane to the right is a Lockheed Super Constellation. Dad and I are going to build a model of it soon. Once the flying starts we settle down in the grandstand and watch Mum go hyper when the noisy jets go zipping past. Mum loves the noisy jets, Dad loves the old ones with several wings and fans on them. Avalon has enough of both sorts to keep them both happy. Me, I love them all.
Labels: aircraft, aValon, train, Victoria