Friday, June 01, 2007


A Nice Warm Hiding Place

Drat! Dad has found my latest hidey-hole. It is a beaut one too because it is so nice, warm and cozy. Mum bought herself this fluffy hat to wear when she is outside at the telescope. She hung it away in the hall cupboard between times she wants to use it. Now it's coming on for winter in Canberra. We have had our first frosts and a couple of days where the temperature barely made it into double figures. What do bears do when this happens? That's right, they look around for somewhere to hibernate. This hat looked just right to me so I clambered up into it and snuggled down. Just about the time the oldies missed me they also wanted to use the telescope. I was tipped out of the hat and told that the air-con would keep me warm just like it does everyone else in the house. There goes a beaut hidey-hole and my chance to see what hibernation is like.

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