Sunday, June 24, 2007
Great Movie Heroes

At Movie World I met lots of people from my favourite movies. These two are my favouritest favourites. There they were, just strolling down the street, and I got to meet them personally. The cutie is Wonder Woman. I had only heard of the lady in comics and on TV from years ago. Well, she obviously ages at a different rate to the rest of us. I got a very own personal cuddle from her, so she is now on my list of favourite heroes in number 2 position just after ...... TA DA!! Yippee!! Hot Diggly Dog!! THE FLASH. Flash has been number 1 ever since I snuck bro Trent's DVD set of the complete TV series of Flash's adventures. I would love to be that fast. If I was I could even escape from Mum when I was in strife due to adventures turning into mischief and she was after me. Flash took me for a run around the theme park, but it was so quick that we were back before anybody noticed we had moved. Flash Rules, OK?
Labels: Gold Coast, heroes, Queensland