Saturday, July 21, 2007
Signs and a Scaredycat Bear

Here's a couple of signs that tell you a bit about Blue Lake and the courage and foolhardiness of some bears. Scruff and I climbed up onto the rails where we could read them easier. The top sign tells about how the lake is the main water supply for Mt Gambier. Scruff had no problems with that. Indeed, he was so unworried that he sat on the top rail of the safety fence and rested his legs on my head. Now, not only is this stupid because a gust of wind could have blown him into the lake, but it is also downright rude to use your younger brother as a footrest. However the next sign we climbed up to showed up just who is the smart bear. We read the title and Scruffy was out of there and back into the car like a shot! (click on the photo and you can read it too). Us educated bears know that the volcanoes in Australia are all extinct and that the crater won't explode. I had a long talk with Scruff about geological timescales but I think he is still a bit confused. Anyway, he cheered up a lot when we left My Gambier.
Labels: climbing, Great Ocean Road, South Australia, trips