Wednesday, August 29, 2007
The Ghost Bear and the Eclipse

Last night was different and exciting. There was a Total Lunar Eclipse just after dark and we spent a lot of time out in the cold watching it. The sky was very clear and we could see things easily from just outside our garage door, even with the lights in the laneway. I liked watching the Moon get slowly covered by Earth's shadow; it really did look like a big bear was eating it away. Then it went a very dark coppery colour and almost black near one edge at mid-eclipse. Dad says that was because the Moon was not quite centered in the shadow. Anyhow, it was really spectacular and I am glad that the oldies dragged me out into the cold to see it. Mum has a new camera and took lots of pictures. This one is spooky. Notice how you can see right through the small bear. I look like a ghost! I am not, really, I checked carefully and am still quite solid. What happened was that Mum had to use time exposure to get the Moon and flash to get the Bear. Dad moved me as soon as the flash went off, so the lights and the car were recorded too. Anyhow, whenever I am up to mischief Mum can always "see right through me".