Sunday, September 09, 2007
A Very Special Birthday Person

I just love birthdays, and the best birthdays are those of very special people. Last night we had a special dinner for my friend Enid. Enid is like the grandmother I never had, because all of my grandmothers died years before I arrived. I am not allowed to say how old she is, but I can tell you that she is older than Mum and even older that Dad, although you would never guess it. We took her out for dinner at the Lobby, which is the resserterrarauant that the pollies have lunch in. At night, when the pollies are not in town, it is a nice place for a special dinner. Of course birthdays have to have birthday presents and Mum found a very special one for Enid. Wombats are a special thing for Enid's family and when we were in Robe on our Great Ocean Road trip we saw this absolutely perfect little wombat sculpture in one of the shops. Mum always knows what is special for people, so she bought it. When we gave it to Enid I had to check out the present box, because you never know what else might be hiding in there. Although wombats are solitary animals, he might have had a cobber in there with him, but no such luck.
Labels: family, Great Ocean Road