Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Bart the Bearonaut

Big Bro Trent had a party on Saturday night, for his 25th birthday. He never does anything by halves, so he had a big room at a club and lots of loud music and flashy lights. He also had lots of helium-filled balloons. Well, I ask you, what would any beardevil do? I just had to see how many balloons would be needed to let a 160 gram bear fly. Dad helped collect balloons and harnessed me up. 28 balloons later I was drifting happily across the room. The long strings made it easy for the "youngsters" on the dance floor to drag me around with them. It was great fun, until the fog machine made it too hard to see things and Dad brought me down. I really do like balloons.
Labels: balloons