Tuesday, November 27, 2007
A Place Called Portsmouth

Here's another photo of a place my globe-tottering Oldies visited while I was at Unka Patrick's. This is Portsmouth Historic Dockyard in England. They took this photo from up a high tower called the Spinnaker Tower. Dad must have been a bit green. The big ship with lots of masts and yellow funnels is HMS Warrior. This was the first iron battleship to be driven by a steam engine and propellor and back in 1860 was the largest and fastest ship in the world. If you look carefully at the picture you can see lots of ships. HMS Victory, Nelson's flagship at Trafalgar is in the middle of the picture. It is a bit hidden because it is not in the water. You can see two aircraft carriers. The closer one is HMS Ark Royal and the other one is a French one. There are lots of destroyers and smaller ships there as well. I wish I had been with them; I do like boats.