Sunday, December 23, 2007
Egypt, Taken By The Ancient Monuments

Here's another picture of ancient monuments from the trip that my ancient ones were on. No prize for guessing what these are, even very small bears know them. The big pointy thing is the pyramid of Chephren and the strange crouching critter is the Sphinx. The Sphinx is one of Mum's favouritest things, so don't be surprised if she forces me to put some more pictures of it on the blog. Dad was surprised by the size of the pyramid. It is almost as big as the so-called Great Pyramid next door and it still has some of the covering stone left on it up at the top where people couldn't grab it to build houses and chook-pens and things with. Mum has a statue of the Sphinx in her collection of Egypt stuff. It is just the right size for me to use as a horse when I play cowbear.
Labels: Egypt