Thursday, December 13, 2007


See, Dragons

All the dragons in stories are big, scary monsters (even if some of them turn out to be friendly ones). The only dragons that I've seen are very different, not scary at all. Here are two of them. The yellow one is a leafy sea dragon and the orange one is a weedy sea dragon. These are small critters, about my size, that are related to seahorses and live in the ocean around southern Australia. The oldies have tried for ages to spot some while they are snorkelling (the oldies that is, sea dragons don't need snorkels) but no success so far. The trouble (or excuse) is that the critters live in sea-grass and seaweed areas and are almost perfectly camouflaged. These ones are in Melbourne Aquarium, the best place to see them if you aren't allowed to get wet. I wonder if they have any troubles with crabs?

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