Sunday, January 06, 2008
Making Shabtis

Mum and I have been making shabtis. Shabtis are important things because they save you having to do any work at all in the afterlife, or so the ancient Egyptians say. The idea is that you make lots of little models of yourself and take them into your tomb with you. Then when the Gods call for you to help out with any of the big projects that Gods are so keen on, you send your shabtis to do the work and you stay comfortably in your hammock drinking beer and eating ice-cream. That sounds like a great idea to me. We are making our shabtis out of some goo called "Sculpey". This is like thick mud that you press and cut into shape, then cook in the oven and it comes out hard like rock. And the best thing is that shabtis don't have to look exactly like their owner. I am glad about that because these first attempts are not exactly like Mum and me.