Wednesday, January 30, 2008
My Carnivorous Dad

It is always a problem when Dad gets near a good steakhouse, and Wolfie's is an exceptionally good one. While Mum and I ordered a small steak, Dad went for the pork ribs. Now Wolfie's pork ribs are not what you could call a small meal. In fact, it was a bit embarrassing the way that all heads in the place turned to see who was the customer as the waiter carried the plate out. Was Dad embarrassed? Not on your Nelly! His eyes lit up and he reached for the salt and pepper (Dad is an auto-condimenter from way back). Now there is no way you can eat pork ribs with a knife and fork. The knife is useful to cut the ribs apart but the only way to get the meat off is to pick up the bone and gnaw. Despite the size of the rack of ribs and the fact that they were covering a mountain of chips there was not much left on the plate except bones when Dad had finished. He didn't do the lot, even he has limits, but everybody in Wolfie's was impressed. I think there must be a lot of bear in Dad's ancestry, he certainly looked like he was stocking up before hibernation.
Labels: family, New South Wales, Sydney