Sunday, February 24, 2008
Infected by a Sniffer-pup

Ever since I started watching "Border Security" on the TV I have wanted to be a sniffer-bear. I think it is a bit mean that only dogs get this great job. Anyhow, at the Canberra Show I met this cute little pup that is in training to be a sniffer-dog for Customs. He seemed to be spending most of his time asleep, but when I asked the Customs lady to let me pat him he woke up. In fact he woke up really quickly and wanted to play. Unfortunately, puppies play by biting a lot and he got me on the face and the arm before I got away. It didn't hurt me at all. But now I have sniffer-dog DNA in me. If I can keep it there I may turn into a sniffer-bear; after all, people that get bitten by vampires turn into vampires. This will be hard though because Mum has noticed that I am a bit soggy with puppy-drool and wants me to take a bath! I hear her coming, so I've gotta run and hide. More tomorrow.
Labels: Canberra, heroes, security, show