Sunday, February 17, 2008
My Stoned Dad

We have had a busy and worrying week. Dad had to go into hospital and Mum and I had to do all of our work and Dad's as well. He got really bad pains in his left side and Mum drove him over to Calvary hospital and had to leave him there. The doctors X-rayed him and CAT scanned him (and Dad says that has nothing to do with cats; I always wondered about that). They found a big kidney stone was trying to move down and out and was getting stuck. It was actually damaging his kidney so they had to operate. Small bears don't really understand these things so well because we are short on kidneys and other internal organs. I guess we are lucky. Anyhow, Dad is home again for a while. He has this great big bit of plastic tube called a "stent" inside him to help drain his kidney and when he goes back into hospital to get that taken out the stone will come out as well. I hadn't been to a hospital before. Actually they are fun places for small bears. There are lots of interesting things to climb on and things with buttons and switches that nobody is allowed to touch except the nurses. I wanted to play with the controls for the bed. It looked like if I pressed the right buttons I could fold Dad up in it like a bug in a rug but the nurse wouldn't let me. Dad was hooked up to a big bag of liquid that dribbled into his arm. He let me have a go at it but actually it wasn't much fun. The fun thing is that everybody who visits brings interesting things like chocolates. Dad let me have a go at them too. They are lots more fun than drips.
Labels: Canberra, climbing, family, hospital