Saturday, April 19, 2008
Move Over Tut

Move over Tut-ankh-amun, here's the new Pharoah, Bart-hol-omew. The oldies bought back a real Egyptian throne, just my size. It is like one of the ones that were found in Tutankhamun's tomb. Here I am with more of the Egyptian stuff that Mum has collected, all set up to receive petitions from commoners (like the oldies). From left to right we have: A sphinx, something that most Pharoahs had, a fierce lion with the Pharoah's face; The goddess Hathor, Mum's favourite because she is also represented as a cow; Me; Osiris, god of the underworld, the original little green man; and Bastet, the cat goddess. There are lots of Egyptian things around our house, but I am not letting the oldies go back for more unless they take me too.
Labels: Egypt