Wednesday, August 20, 2008
A New Member of the Bear Clan

The Bear Clan has a new member. Mum arrived home from work yesterday with this cutesy little guy sitting in MY car seat. I was not amused and started to kick the stuffing out of him. Mum was not amused. She separated us and told me his story. Turns out that this is a special bear, almost as special as Scruffy and me. He is one of the family of bears made for Daffodil Day, and his job is to help get funds for cancer research. Cancer is a really horrible disease that attacks people and animals (but not small bears) and lots of money is needed to help scientists find cures. Daffodil Day is the biggest fund-raising event in the southern hemisphere. This year it is on Friday this week. You can find out more about it on the Cancer Council web at Please support these guys. There is probably not a family in the world that hasn't lost somebody to cancer. Just by bringing one of these cute small bears into your home, or by buying any of the Daffodil Day stuff, or just by making a donation, you can help stop cancer. So what about the interloper in my house? Well, it turns out that he is really a nice little fellow and the clan like him. His name is Daffyd. Dad says that he probably has Welsh ancestry (the bear that is, not the Dad). I took him around and showed him all my special things; the Sphinx that lets me ride him sometimes, Mum's beading table where I showed him how to bend and cut things with pliers, Dad's aeroplane room where we spent hours clambering up the shelves while I showed him the ones that I helped make, and my computer where I typed this post for him. Maybe your home needs a Daffyd as well, cancer research sure needs the money.
Labels: aircraft, beads, family, friends