Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Sandhill Climbing

I like playing at the beach, provided it it crab-free. I like the way that sand can be wet and hard or dry and slithery. The slithery stuff is fun because no matter how hard you try to walk up a slope of it, you end up sliding backwards. Down on the beach at Eden I found this sand cliff, almost a metre high, which is really high for a small bear. The game was to climb to the top without sliding back down or getting buried in a sand slide. Mum gets a bit cranky if I get dirty or sandy. The trick is to use the grass roots to haul yourself up the vertical cliff. Once you are high enough to be in the tangle of exposed roots it is easy to make it to the top. The first stretch is the hard one. You can see how much I had to stretch to get onto those first root. Isn't climbing fun?
Labels: beach, climbing, crabs, Eden, New South Wales, south coast