Sunday, September 21, 2008
A Tale of Two Towers, part 1

While we were at Eden last weekend we visited a place called Boydtown, on the same bay as Eden but about a half-hour drive away. Eden and Boydtown are on a big double bay called Twofold Bay. Sometimes the sea gets very rough on the Eden side, but it is usually calm near Boydtown which is why there was a town here in the mid-1800s. The town was built by a London stockbroker called William Boyd. He dabbled in just about everything in the Australian colony. He had a bank, a shipping line, a whaling station, and big million-acre farms. He went bankrupt in 1849 and headed off to the California gold rush. There is not much left of the old town now, just a building called the Seahorse Inn which was Boyd's headquarters. It has been renovated recently and we had lunch there and found this cute little tower near the front entrance. Just the right size for a small bear to climb on, although there was a worrying mark like a bullet hole near one of the windows. It turns out that this tower is a small copy of a much bigger tower way out in the scrub near the entrance to the bay, so on to part 2 of this posting.....
Labels: climbing, New South Wales, south coast, trips