Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Well Above the Waves

Last weekend we went down to Eden on the south coast of NSW for what the Oldies call a "lost weekend". I don't understand why they call it that because we were never lost at all. The Oldies found a great place to stay. it is called "Eagle Heights" and the cabin we had was right on the cliff edge. We could see ocean all the way round half the horizon. Dad took his binoculars and we spent some time looking for whales but didn't see any. Later on in the year would be better, when the whales are swimming back to Antarctica and stopping in the bay here for a rest. We did see lots of boats and people trying to catch fish. The balcony had this nice wide rail all around it and Scruff and I wanted to walk along it but we weren't allowed to go there by ourselves. I don't think Dad was worried about the 30 metre fall to the bottom of the cliff, although Mum would go ballistic if we got wet. What worried them was that one of them would have to climb down and retrieve us. What we all really liked was drifting off to sleep with the sound of the waves breaking on the rocks of the cliff.
Labels: Eden, New South Wales, south coast