Thursday, October 02, 2008
Acres of Flowers

It's Spring. Days are getting warmer even here in Canberra. Flowers are blooming everywhere and magpies are swooping unsuspecting walkers and cyclists. Despite the maggies, I like spring. One of the things I like is called Floriade. This is a flower festival where the park in central Canberra is turned into a mass of flower beds full of all sorts of colourful flowers. Mostly there are flowers that grow from bulbs, like tulips, iris, daffodils, jonquils and so forth with pansies and things mixed in for ground colour. This year Floriade has an Australian movie theme where each section is based on a movie. This bed of yellow and white flowers celebrates that essential movie food, popcorn. I tried to get to the big popcorn container in the centre of the bed. I figured it would surely be full of huge popcorn, just right for a hungry small bear. But I got lost among the plants, it's like a jungle in there, and Dad caught me and hauled me back. He says that the popcorn is really plastic but I would like to know for sure.