Monday, October 13, 2008
Bathurst 1000. Beaut!!!

Guess what I did for most of yesterday? I watched the top Australian motor race. OK, F1 fans might claim that their Melbourne event is the best and the Indy mob will no doubt say their Gold Coast Indy is tops, but most of Australia watches Bathurst. I guess the reason is that the cars that rip around Mt Panorama are more like the ones that you can drive on the road. Not much like them though as the motors are really souped up and you would get into real trouble if you zoomed up the highway at 300 kph. Anyhow, I like all sorts of car races, and boat and aeroplane ones as well. Yesterday I was barracking for my favourite driver, Craig Lowndes, and he won (with great help from his co-driver, Jamie Whincup)! That shows what can happen when you have a small bear backing you, sitting in his very own sports car and carrying a model of the nicest car that Craig ever drove. I do a lot better when I barrack for car drivers than I do with cricket (when I am at the game) and AFL (when I am with Unka Mark).
Remember, you can see bigger pictures if you click on the one here, and check my archives for earlier stuff.
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