Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Melbourne Again

Last weekend we went down to Melbourne again. Just a quick trip to see "Wicked", which is a musical play about some OZ witches. I always thought that ozwiches were big birds like emus, but Mum has set me straight on that. We all liked the show very much, even Dad. He says that it really put the mockers on one of the worst stories ever inflicted on kids. I guess that he doesn't like "The Wizard of Oz" very much. Anyway, do go see "Wicked" if you get the chance. I really liked the view from our room. It was just across the river from the tallest building in Melbourne, that's the sharp-looking one one the left in the little picture. Last time were in Melbourne we went up to the observation deck in that building and Mum got me my football there (check the "Melbourne" entries in the blog to read about that visit). The really great thing about our room was that it was near some helipads and helicopters kept flying past outside my window. You can see one of them inside the little green box that Dad drew on the photo; they didn't really have little boxes around them. The helipads are in a little park called Batman Park. I waited and watched but Batman didn't show, even though almost everybody visits Melbourne sometime.