Tuesday, October 21, 2008


Nessie, Nearly

Here's another photo from the Oldies' trip to the UK. This time they say that they came close to photographing the Loch Ness Monster. Well, the ruined castle is certainly Urquhart castle and the water is Loch Ness but I don't believe them that the ripples in the water are the wake of Nessie. They try to tell me that Nessie was there but swam away fast when she saw the camera pointing at her. After all, lots of people say the same sort of thing happened to them when they tried to take photos of her. I suspect that the ripples have a lot to do with the motorboat that passed in front of the castle and shows up on some photos the Oldies took just before this one. Just as well I wasn't with them that day as Dad would probably have tried to see if small bears make good Nessie bait.

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