Tuesday, November 04, 2008
Flowers Tell the Stories
Remember how I told you that this year the theme for Floriade was Aussie films? Each big flower bed was designed around a film. This one was based on "The Dish", the story of the Parkes radio telescope and its part in the first Moon landing. The flowers were actually arranged to give the shape of a radio dish and looked quite good if you could get high enough to see the whole thing (hard for small bears). Problem was that the resemblance to the Parkes dish was not there. The flowers actually looked like the drawing on the sign. The real telescope is different, see it in the little picture. With just a little bit of redesign the flower bed could have been so much better and escaped critical comment from this small bear. Still, it looked pretty and "The Dish" is a great movie, even if it is only 95% historically correct. Dad used the Parkes telescope a lot during his 40 years in astronomical research. He liked the movie too, and he has played cricket inside the dish just like they do in the movie.