Monday, December 01, 2008
It's Actually Mine

It will be Mum's birthday soon and Dad and Trent combined to buy her a special present. You see, Mum is a real techno-junkie, so much so that the boss at her last job called her Gadget Girl. So what better present than an iPhone. Because of the strange ways that telephone companies work, Mum had to be told about the deal early so that she could OK it. Seems strange to me but small bears don't really understand people-business. Great excitement and anticipation then for a few days until the courier man delivered the package. Now I am of the firm opinion that anything interesting delivered here should belong to me, so I have been really busy since then learning to use the thing. Mum and I have loaded all sorts of goodies onto it from our big Mac and it is amazing just what the thing can do. Dad isn't impressed. He has this old-fashioned idea that phones are things you use to talk to people. The camera, GPS, calendar, calculator, games, etc aren't phone things as far as he is concerned. That's fine because I only have to fight Mum for the iPhone. It's a great toy for small bears (and Oldie Mums).
Labels: family