I will be away from the computer for two weeks, so no postings for a while. The reason is great. We are off tomorrow on one of the world's classic train trips. We leave Canberra really early, about the time the Sun rises, and take the train to Sydney. In Sydney we get on a train called the Indian-Pacific which will take us right across the continent to Perf (Dad notes: of course Bart means Perth but his pronunciation is a bit off sometimes). The train is called the Indian-Pacific because it travells from the Indian Ocean to the Pacific Ocean (or the other way around the way we are doing it). It will take us four days and three nights to get to Perf and along the way we will do some side trips to see big mines in Broken Hill and Kalgoorlie. The longest straight stretch of railway track in the world, 478 kilometers, is on this trip. The whole trip is 4352 kilometers long. Yes, Scruffy is going with us even though he has been getting a bit snooty since he watched Star Wars and is convinced he has Wookie ancestors. The train will be nothing like the one in the little photo, I just put that in because I like trains that make lots of smoke. See you later, with lots of new photos.
Labels: train, trips
# posted by Bart Bear @ 12:14 pm