Well, we are back from our trans-Australia trip from Sydney to Perf. Scruffy and I had a ball. We travelled in trains, planes, boats, buses, taxis and trams. The oldies suffered a bit from the heat because it was over 40 degrees some days, but us small bears had no problems. Dad says that is because we are stuffed anyway; I don't understand him sometimes. Anyhow, here I am on the platform at Sydney Central, sitting on Mum's cabin luggage, waiting for the carriage doors to open. Our cabin was just across the carriage from the window I am near. And what a cabin it was. Bigger than the other cabins, because the Oldies splurged a bit. It even had a table at the right place for Scruff and I to sit with a window each and watch the country whizz by. There was even a welcoming bottle of wine and two glasses there. I figured that two glasses and two bears were obviously meant to go together but the Oldies figured differently and took our wine away before we got stuck into it. We spent a lot of time on this table during our 3 day journey and over the next few months you will see lots of photos taken out of these windows.
Labels: Perth, Sydney, train, trips, Western Australia
# posted by Bart Bear @ 3:55 pm