Last weekend was Canberra Show time. We always go to the show, mostly because it gives Mum a big cow fix. She takes loads of pictures of cows there and drags Dad and I around to every place that cows are camped in. Actually, I don't mind cows. They are, mostly, gentle critters and interested in seeing what small bears are up to. I watched some of the competition judging in one of the rings. Some of the cows behaved nicely but some others mucked up and wouldn't do what their handlers wanted. I picked out the ones that I would give the prize ribbons to, and the judges usually agreed with me. Maybe I can be a cow-judge. Actually, my favourite animals this year were a mother donkey and her foal. They had just had a bath but they looked happy about it because it was such a hot day. Mum didn't let me have a bath even though it looked like fun splashing around under a great big sprinkler. Lots more fun than the tub and soap sort of bath. I like the machinery exhibits better than cows. How about that groovy quad bike. Just imagine the fun I could have with something like that if only I was big enough to reach the controls. And as for the diggers... well, I could dig really big holes with the scoopy bucket thing, and drill deep crab traps with the driller. If only these things came in small bear size.
Labels: animals, Canberra
# posted by Bart Bear @ 12:13 pm