On Saturday we went for a drive to see how close we could get to this new windfarm. You can see it on the hills way over the other side of Lake George as you drive between Canberra and Sydney. I love windfarms. The first ones I saw were in South Australia and I have been hoping there would be one near home sometime. Anyhow, we drove to Bungendore first because Dad says that is where you can get the best breakfast in Australia. Then off we went up the road to Tarago, trying to get close to the wind farm. You can see the rotor towers for a long time, way off to the left of the road, but there aren't many roads that get you close. The only ones we found for ages all had "Trespassers prosecuted" on them so we had to go back. We met a lady on one of these roads that told us about another road that would get us close, and after a while we found it. You can't get into the farm but we found a great spot to get photos. I had to climb up a small tree to see over a gully (at least that's my story and I'm sticking to it). Later on I managed to climb up a big mound of dirt and see even better. Naturally enough, Mum wasn't happy about messy fur. They are still building the windfarm, so I could watch big cranes lifting towers and rotors into place. I love watching big machinery. Maybe I can drive some someday. When it is finished the farm will have 63 rotors and provide power for 90,000 houses. I will visit my lookout site every so often while they are biulding the farm and will show you how things are progressing.
Labels: Canberra, climbing, windfarm
# posted by Bart Bear @ 11:39 am