This is one of the small bays on Rottnest Island. Rottie has lots of bays and beaches of all sizes, but this is one of the smallest. It is only about 100m across and is almost circular with a narrow opening to the ocean. It is right at the western end of Rottie. According to the signs, that scoundrel Cliff Edge is here too, and even more trouble than he is in South Australia. The signs there said "Caution Cliff Edge" while here they say "Danger. Cliff Edge" (although this one doesn't). Someday I may meet Cliff and find out just what the problem is. Dad found what the main problem here was. He went for a walk to get some photos of seals and the sandflies just about ate him alive (at least that is what he says, personally I think there is too much of him for even a big swarm of sandflies to eat). Every bay on Rottie has boats moored in it. Some people from Perf even live on their boats here for months at a time over the summer. I think that would be fun.
Labels: boats, Perth, Western Australia
# posted by Bart Bear @ 4:17 pm