No doubt about these Oldies of mine. They always seem to have something happening. Here they are, all ready to go off to the 40th anniversary dinner of the Canberra Astronomical Society. For some strange reason (definitely connected with Mum, who has been the dinner organizer for the last 20 or so years) this year lots of the members wore masks to the dinner. I had to stay home. Somebody has to look after the house when the Oldies are out, and I think Mum is still a bit worried that I might get bearnapped again. (I must tell you about the bearnapping episode sometime, it is full of old motels, break-ins, drunks and bikie gangs). They did take someone to the dinner with them, a strange little grey, squeaky guy who claims to be an agent of the Galactic Overlord. He isn't much of a problem because Dad pulled the plug on him and he is now all flat and rolled up in our garage. Actually, I don't mind being left behind on occasions like this because the Oldies always bring me back some of the balloons that decorate the ressarterrornt (I still can't spell restaurant). I scored 20 bear-loons this time, not quite enough to lift me into the air, but enough to make me light enough to leap tall chairs at a single bound. When they start to deflate I intend to take them outside and scare cockatoos with them by letting the balloons loose while the cockies are flying overhead. Small bears and balloons are a fun mix.
Labels: astronomy, Canberra, family
# posted by Bart Bear @ 12:48 pm