This just may be the highest spot on the Nullarbor plain. It is a pile of big rocks in the centre of Cook, the railway town on the trans-Australia line. Scruffy and I found it when the Indian-Pacific stopped here for a while on the way to Perf. All the country you can see around Cook, for hundreds of miles actually, is absolutely flat, so I figure that climbing this rockpile puts us in the same class as Hillary and Tenzing, conquerors of the highest peak. The big bare sandy area around the rockpile is one of the main streets of Cook. It runs from the aerodrome to the hospital and when the hospital was in use the Flying Doctor could taxi his aeroplane right up to the hospital door. Although my rockpile is the highest peak, you can't actually see much from it. Some of the only trees in the whole of the Nullarbor have been planted around it. Anyhow, lizards, snakes and small bears all appreciate it because they can sit up there quietly and soak up sun while the rest of the trainload of tourists run around madly taking pictures.
Labels: climbing, Perth, South Australia, train
# posted by Bart Bear @ 3:33 pm