Bro Trent and his cobber Nathan have just brought a new critter into the family. Unlike the ones that Mum collects, critters like Scruffy and me, this one is fast-moving, sometimes noisy and alive (not that any of you would think that I'm not alive, would you?). The critter's name is Slinky and he is a minature Dachshund. He is only two months old. He is also a bit of a sooky-bub and cuddles up to anyone who will pick him up. I think that he is cute, but I keep well away from him because he hasn't learned yet that small bears are NOT here for small dogs to chew on. He looks really funny when he gets excited and tries to run. His short little legs won't go fast enough for him and he sort of bounces along. His favourite toy is Trent's feather duster and he creeps up and attacks it whenever he can get to it. I think it is hilarious to see Trent trying to use a duster with a small dog firmly attached. Anyhow, small animals may be OK but small bears make better pets. We don't make noise (usually), don't damage the furniture and don't make messes on the carpet.
Labels: animals, family
# posted by Bart Bear @ 10:14 am