Meet Binky, the oldest bear of our mixed-up family. Binky was Mum's very first bear and has been with her ever since she was a small girl. That makes Binky ancient, almost the bear equivalent of a dinosaur. You can see that he has had a rough life. Lots of his fur is missing, some of his seams are a bit dodgy, he is missing most of his claws and he only has one eye. Mum says that he has been to bear hospital for repairs several times, but is now too fragile for any more trips. That makes him far too fragile to do most of the things I do, particularly parachuting and hang-gliding, so he is not much fun to play with. But he is really interesting to talk to. Boy, does he have the goods on Mum. Some of the things she got up to when Binky was newer are good listening and almost worth selling to gossip mags. You can see a strong family resemblance between the two of us and it should be obvious that I am an evolved version of this remote ancestor.
Labels: family
# posted by Bart Bear @ 10:28 am