I don't like getting up early in the mornings. Except when we are going somewhere and have to go catch a plane, train or boat. Mostly the Oldies agree, after all, astronomers do tend to sleep in a bit even after they retire. However, when this photo was taken I had been hauled out of bed far too early and hauled off somewhere (I can't remember just where, I was too sleepy to take notes). Now, one of the things that will always cause Mum to stop, no matter what the purpose of the trip, is the sight of cows close to the road. These poor critters were out in the cold, wet paddock trying to find enough grass for breakfast. A bit far away for cow portraits, so wake the snoozing bear, sit him on a cold, damp rail, and use him as a foreground object. Sometimes I wish that Mum had never got a camera.
Labels: animals
# posted by Bart Bear @ 8:07 am