The quickest way to get to Hamilton Island from Canberra is to fly. Because there are no direct Canberra-Hamilton flights we usually change planes in Brisbane. Now, the aeroplane in the top photo is not the one that we flew on. It is bear-size, but although Dad started it up for me, all it did was rumble, whistle and bounce around. A fun ride but no real use to go anywhere. Actually, it is outside one of the shops on Hamilton Island so I guess it figures it is already there and has no reason to fly anywhere. The 'plane we actually flew on from Brisbane is the one in the bottom photo. It is an Airbus A320 of Jetstar airlines. Scruffy, Milkshake and I were able to watch as the airline workers got it ready for us. We saw them topping up the fuel, loading food, and putting the luggage on board. This trip was Milky's first flight so we had to explain everything to her, particularly why we had to ride inside Dad's backpack up in the overhead luggage lockers. She was a bit worried at first by the noise and acceleration, but by the end of the trip she was enjoying it as much as Scruff and I always do.
Labels: aircraft, Hamilton Is, Queensland
# posted by Bart Bear @ 11:23 am