Milkshake and I had great fun the day we went to Whitehaven Beach from Hamilton Island. We built a couple of sandcastles, played pirates, tossed rocks at crabs and spelled words in the sand with sticks. Naturally we ended up getting sand in our fur. This is one thing that normally gets Mum cranky, but she must have been enjoying the beach as much as we were because this time she thought it was funny. Mind you, she still shook us hard and brushed us to get the sand off. Milky's fur is very short so she cleaned up pretty easily, but my fur is a much tougher proposition. How to get the sand out from way in? Normally it means trouble, involving a stiff brush and (horror of horrors), even a bath. Not this time. Guess what? The one who normally will not let me anywhere near water in its natural habitat actually took me down to the ocean and dipped me into the little waves. There is hope yet. Maybe someday I will even be allowed to go surfing and snorkelling!!
Labels: beach, Hamilton Is, Queensland, trouble
# posted by Bart Bear @ 2:53 pm