There is a funny story behind this picture, provided you aren't Dad. In one of the paddocks near Shaw winery there is this rough old shed. There are a couple of sheep in the same paddock. Dad says that the shed is the sort of thing that is called a "sheep fold" in Europe. Maybe he is right because the sheep in the paddock were certainly folded down in the tall grass. You can just see a bit of one to the left of the shed. Anyhow, Dad decided that the photo needed a foreground object and that a small bear on a post would be ideal. Now, if you look carefully at the fence wires you will see that one of them has a glass insulator thingie on it. That should have been enough to warn Dad, and for sure the electric fence charger near the base of the post was a dead giveaway. But no, Dad is in a hurry as usual so it's lean across the small gutter, one hand out to put the bear on the post and the other reaching out for something to hang onto for balance. You guessed it. He grabbed the electramic wire and got a solid zap. So if the photo is a bit fuzzy it is because his eyes were still rolling when he pressed the shutter button. Travel with these Oldies of mine is full of fun.
Labels: animals, New South Wales
# posted by Bart Bear @ 10:21 am