Mum has a new toy on the computer. It is a snazzy little device that prints things out on sticky labels. Of course she uses it for serious-type things, like addressing Christmas cards and identifying what's in what box in the garage. Small bears can have lots more fun with it than that. Over the last few days I have stuck labels on everything that I can reach. For some strange reason the Oldies aren't too happy about that. Maybe they don't like the way I have labelled some of their stuff. Dad certainly wasn't too impressed with the "Old Codger's Plastic Surgery" label that I stuck to his hobby room door, but he does do a lot of cutting, shaping and glueing of plastic in there, so I don't know what the problem is. After all, if they didn't want me to do things with the computer and its attachments, then they shouldn't have taught me to type.
Labels: Christmas, computer
# posted by Bart Bear @ 11:11 am