Here's another castle that Milkshake and I built on the day we went across to Whitehaven Beach. Actually, we sort of inherited this one from a small boy who had to leave before he had finished it. His Mum seemed to think that catching their boat back to Hamilton Island was more important than finishing the castle. So Milky and I finished the job. We based the design on the old castles that the Oldies saw on their UK trip. The oldest ones have a central keep and an outer ringwall, so that's what we built. The keep was high enough for Milky to keep lookout for pirates, crabs and other dangerous vermin, and the ringwall was just the right height for me to wait with my whacking stick to repell attackers. The crabs must have got the message because they kept right away from us. So did the pirates. The only thing that succeeded in getting us out of the castle was (you guessed it) Mum. We had to catch a boat back to Hamilton as well. I wonder what becomes of all the sandcastles that get left on the beaches every day?
Labels: beach, crabs, Hamilton Is, Queensland
# posted by Bart Bear @ 4:28 pm