Sometimes you just can't find a secluded spot to sunbake all on your own. This was one of those times. We were down near Eden in southern NSW and I had found this nice warm rock with a flat top just the right size for a small bear's backside and settled down to soak up some sun. Just as I was dozing off this little water dragon came zipping along and settled down on MY rock. He wanted to sunbake too, because lizards move better and run faster when they are warm. The cheeky little critter even sniffed me and settled down with his head on my leg. Talk about cheek! I guess he didn't really see me, after all I was staying very still and, as you can see, I am just about the same solour as the rock. A perfect camouflage job actually, so I guess you can't blame the lizard. He was so happy on the rock that he didn't even run far when Mum grabbed me to take me back to the car.
Labels: animals, New South Wales, south coast
# posted by Bart Bear @ 12:18 pm