Right at the top of One Tree Hill on Hamilton Island you will find this neat cairn of rocks. It is labelled "Porto del Sol", which probably means something like "Gate of the Sun" (small bears are not very good at Spanish so I don't know for sure). Anyhow, it makes a great place to soak up a bit of Sun. It has enough gaps between the rocks for small bears to get toe-holds and climb up to the top easily, and the top is not so slopey that you fall off. The Oldies spent a fair bit of time at One Tree because it is a great spot to watch boats of all sorts cruising the Whitsunday channels. I spent most of my time there either climbing trees or lazing away up on the cairn. I don't get sunburnt through my fur, but Mum says that I am getting faded. That doesn't worry me, because if my fur fades to white I will look like a Polar bear and surely then somebody will let me swim.
Labels: Hamilton Is, Queensland
# posted by Bart Bear @ 2:58 pm