This fine-looking crew is obviously outfitted with a variety of aprons and ready to head to the barbeque. Well, it's not quite like that. The aprons were Christmas presents to Mum, Dad, Uncle Craig, Aunty Karen and me from Unka Patrick. We were at a pre-Christmas get-together at Unka Paddy and Uncle Grant's place. Lots of interesting food and drinks had been attended to and presents were swapped. Imagine the surprise when we all scored aprons. Not just ordinary ones, but ones with patterns that matched the person (or bear). Aunty Karen's has leaves and flowers, Uncle Craig's has racing cars, Dad's has aeroplanes, Mum's has bling (I bet you expected cows), and mine has paw-prints. Cousin Andrew didn't score an apron, he got boy things. Now to light up the barbie and throw a few (dozen) prawns and some snags on.
Labels: Canberra, Christmas
# posted by Bart Bear @ 12:04 pm