One of the places that we stopped at on our trip across Australia on the Indian-Pacific was Broken Hill in western NSW. Broken Hill is one of the most important mining towns in Australia. We went on a bus tour while our train was being topped up with fuel, water and food, and one of the stops was at the mining museum. Actually, it was so early in the morning that the museum wasn't open, but we could see lots from the parking area. The town was on one side (I'll show you a photo next time) but on the other side was a real working mine. You can see the workings just poking up above the hill, and piles of old machinery just behind the fence. One day I want to go back to Broken Hill and see some mine stuff when we are not in a hurry. My grandfather, Mum's father, worked at Broken Hill when he was young, just after WW2, and he had lots of stories about life as a telegraphist back in those days. I need to get back to Broken Hill to check out some of his yarns.
Labels: family, New South Wales, train
# posted by Bart Bear @ 12:12 pm